Breaking Nutrition Misconceptions

With all the constantly changing information given by self proclaimed experts on social media, healthy eating can be quite confusing. From the low fat, low carb and no carb diets to the more recent high fat, no solids and juicing diet; one wonders what is left to consume to maintain health and life.

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Are you a carb addict?

Do you experience frequent compelling hunger characterized by cravings for carbohydrate rich foods? Well, you may be suffering from carbohydrate addiction.

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What you need to know about cholesterol

Cholesterol is a substance found in every cell of the body and is essential for health. The body uses cholesterol to make vitamin D, hormones, digestive bile and in building body cells. Cholesterol in the body is transported by particles called lipoproteins. There are two lipoproteins involved in this transportation;

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Is colon cleansing beneficial?

Colon cleansing also known as colon irrigation or colon hydrotherapy is normally done with the belief that it will aid in removing excess waste and toxins, thought to have accumulated over time, from the colon. This waste in the colon is thought to produce toxins that enter one’s blood and

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Food for the cold season

The cold rainy season is here once again and with it comes colds and flu. This season is often associated with increased incidences of infections especially lower and upper respiratory tract. Infections are thought to increase during this time due to the fact that people spend more time indoors with closed

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Why eat what rodents reject?

Consumption of processed grain flour like ‘white’ ugali and chapatti is  more popular in Kenya than the healthier whole grain  flour. The processed foods are perceived as ‘classier’ and cooler  by many Kenyans, especially the young middle class. When processing grains like wheat and maize, the germ and the maize

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Do you bloat often? Check your diet

Digestive health problems like bloating have become very common in both adults and children.  These problems can simply be as a result of a poor dietary habits or a symptom of a bigger health problem, which if left unmanaged, can lead to severe chronic conditions. The digestive system is directly

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Sneaky ways food manufacturers trick you into eating excess sugar

Free sugars are all sugars added to foods or drinks during manufacturing, processing and preparation. Sugars that are naturally present in honey, syrup, fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates are also part of free sugars. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends reduction of daily intake of free sugars to less than

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My First Breastfeeding Experience

Knowing the immense benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for the firsts 6months of life, as a new mother I was determined to ensure my child fed only on breast milk for the first 6months and continue breastfeeding up to 2 years. This led to a quest for knowledge on breastfeeding, expressing

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Is your diet causing the acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when skin spores are blocked by oil, dead skin or bacteria. Even though acne usually affects adolescents, it can persist into adulthood. A few of those who escape acne during teen years may develop adult onset acne which can persist for years.

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