The weather right now is just awful and the thought of hot food is just so delightful! If this is what you are feeling in this July weather you’re not alone. Cold weather tends to mess with our appetites. The thought of food is usually not too far.

Have you noticed the cold temperature increases your desire for high calorie, high-carbohydrate but not for fruits and vegetables? Well, this increased appetite is more psychological. When it gets too cold than usual, your body temperature drops a little. This in turn sets up a longing for foods that will warm you quickly. In short, feeling cold triggers a self-preservation mode that sends the body a message to heat up fast. This message is often played out as a craving for carbohydrate-rich foods, foods that give the body a boost faster.

It is true that the cold weather increases the amount of calories that your body burns but this increase is not significant. However, if you get too cold and start shivering your body will burn more calories. Shivering is a sign that your body is working really hard to keep your body temperature normal. When you shiver, muscles contract and loosen in quick succession to raise the body’s core temperature.

So, you really don’t need to eat more during this weather. However, if it gets too cold you can warm up by layering up and consume (healthy)things that can help warm up your body. Soups with fresh herbs and spices like ginger and black pepper are great for this weather.