Do you experience frequent compelling hunger characterized by cravings for carbohydrate rich foods? Well, you may be suffering from carbohydrate addiction.

Simple refined carbohydrates like white bread, chapatti, cakes, biscuits, fries and sugary drinks are digested fast causing a sudden rise in blood sugar level which makes a person feel good and energetic for a short time. This state is however short lived and is followed by a sudden dip in blood sugar and energy which triggers a desire for more carbohydrates triggering a vicious cycle.

High consumption of carbohydrates decreases the control of hormone ghrelin which communicates to the brain when one is hungry, and also hinders the function of hormone leptin, which stimulates the feeling of satiety. This makes one eat even when not hungry.  A high intake of carbohydrates can also trigger production of the brain’s natural opioids, a substance that has morphine like effect which gets the brain addicted to stimulating its own opioids just as it does with drugs like heroine.

So how can one tell they are hooked to carbohydrates?

Eating on cue

If your mouth waters every time, hungry or not, when you see, smell or think about a particular food, then there is problem lurking.

Feeling guilty after eating

A person addicted to carbohydrates will often feel guilty after eating their carbohydrates in excess. This happens even after they exert all their willpower leaving them feeling at fault and repeatedly promise themselves to stop or cut down intake but  soon find themselves overeating again.

Craving even when full

Cravings aren’t uncommon for people who are addicted to carbohydrates. Even after eating a nutritious meal, one still experiences a persistent urge to eat something more like a cookie, slice of bread or one more chapatti. This craving is not about their need for energy or nutrients but it’s about the brain calling for something to help release feel good hormones.  Normally this isn’t something to worry about but if it happens often and one isn’t able to control themselves then it may be an indicator that something is wrong.

You just can’t stop

If you have a hard time having one; one chapatti, one piece of bread, one slice of ugali or one piece of your favorite carbohydrate, then there is a problem. Such a person will eat, get full but the eating doesn’t stop here. They will keep eating and only stop when they are completely stuffed or feel sick.

Emotional attachment to particular foods

You can’t imagine a life, leave alone a meal without a particular food and you often find yourself thinking or talking about it especially when hungry. This can be accompanied with a craving which causes distraction to a point where one isn’t able to get along with their day until the craving is satisfied.

There is always a tomorrow to eat better

It isn’t unusual for someone who is addicted to carbohydrates to overindulge in carbohydrates followed by a promise to cut back during the next meal, which rarely happens. For such persons, there is always another meal or another day to cut back. It is never now or today.