What is normal weight obesity?

A person can be slender, have normal weight and an ideal Body Mass Index (BMI) but also have high body fat percentage and low muscle mass. In some cases, the body fats are too high that such a person may be considered obese even though they have a normal BMI.

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Can you control high blood pressure with diet? A healthy diet will not only help you control blood pressure but will also help prevent and/or delay onset of related complications like stroke, and heart and kidney disease. The DASH Diet, Dietary Approaches to Stop hypertension (high blood pressure), is a

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Are You Overeating?

I recently attended a workshop and was privileged to interact with people from all walks of life. I especially loved our interactions during lunch break. I noted with a lot of concern, just as I have noted on many occasions, the huge portions of food on people’s plates to a

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Alkaline diet: Good for health or just another fad?

I met Lucy for the second time last week. The first time we met was in August. Unlike the first meeting, last week she was looking brighter, energetic and more jovial. See, Lucy has been trying to manage her weight for a while now. Last year her physician advised her

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Salt tales

For decades, the only salt you could find on shelves was normal table salt. This is however changing with the introduction of other salts like Himalayan, kosher, and sea salts which claim to be premium, healthier, tastier and more natural than table salt. Salt, regardless of its origin, is a

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Honey tales

I love dawa you know the ginger, lemon and honey concoction. It has always been a favorite beverage even before it was hyped by the onset of COVID-19 pandemic. It is my go-to drink both at home and when I eat out. A few months ago I was dining out

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Are you a carb addict?

Do you experience frequent compelling hunger characterized by cravings for carbohydrate rich foods? Well, you may be suffering from carbohydrate addiction. Simple refined carbohydrates like white bread, chapatti, cakes, biscuits, fries and sugary drinks are digested fast causing a sudden rise in blood sugar level which makes a person feel

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