Digestive health problems like bloating have become very common in both adults and children.  These problems can simply be as a result of a poor dietary habits or a symptom of a bigger health problem, which if left unmanaged, can lead to severe chronic conditions.

The digestive system is directly impacted by the food one eats and the lifestyle one leads. If not taken good care of it encounters problems digesting and absorbing nutrients.

Bloating causes an uncomfortable feeling of having built up gas which makes the stomach protrude or distend making one feel as if he or she has an inflated balloon in the stomach. It may be accompanied by slight stomach pain and flatulence.

Bloating should not be a cause for alarm and can be cleared by making changes in the diet. However, frequent bloating may be a symptom of other health problems.

There are several dietary causes of bloating.

Overeating is one of them. Overeating puts pressure on the body to produce excess enzymes and digestive juices to cope with the extra load and slows down the digestive system. Eating small frequent meals instead of few large ones can help prevent bloating.

Inadequate chewing is also associated with bloating and flatulence. Chewing breaks down food in to smaller particles for better digestion.

Adequate intake of soluble fiber helps aid movement in the digestive tract and encourages growth of good bacteria. Soluble fiber is found in most fruits and vegetables, oats and legumes. However, eating too much fiber can be harmful especially for people who suffer digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome. Insoluble fiber found in wheat, whole grains, fruit peels seeds and nuts can cause bloating in some people. In such a case, limiting intake of foods rich in insoluble fiber can help alleviate bloating.

Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli contains sulphur and a carbohydrate, which in its raw form, is hard to be digested by the body. These vegetables are also associated with excess gas production in the body. People who experience bloating frequently after intake should limit their consumption especially in the raw form.

Low levels of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract can also result in bloating. It can also cause intolerances like lactose and gluten intolerance which cause or worsens digestive health problems. Foods that contain probiotics, or good bacteria, can help bring a good balance of these bacteria and alleviate bloating. Yoghurt containing probiotics can restore this balance.

Since bloating is caused by excess gas build up, it is good to avoid anything that makes you suck in excess gas like smoking, chewing gum and drinking using a straw.