Constipation is the most common gastro intestinal complication characterized by less than three bowel movements per week, or bowel movement with dry hard stool that is difficult and painful to pass. Constipation can occur due to a variety of reasons but it is often the result of slow movement of food in the digestive tract. This slow movement could be as a result of inadequate water intake, poor diet, lack of or inadequate physical activity, stress, and medication side effect.

Fortunately, there exists natural laxatives that can help relieve constipation by adding bulk and softening the stool, reduce transit time in the gut and by increasing stool frequency.


Water is the simplest way of relieving symptoms of constipation and getting your bowels moving again. Aim to drinking at least two liters or eight glasses of water every day and you will have regular bowels.


Dried plums are an excellent natural remedy for constipation

Dried plums, known as prunes are an excellent natural remedy for constipation.  Prunes are rich in soluble fiber which helps increase water content and adds bulk to the stool making its passage through the gut very easy. Prunes also contain antioxidants that encourage growth of beneficial gut bacteria that improves overall health of the digestive system.

Aloe Vera

contains a compound that acts as a natural laxative

Aloe vera plant is widely used health and beauty purposes. Aloe vera contains a compound known as anthraquinone that acts as a natural laxative. Add a few drops of aloe vera gel in your drinking water or drink aloe juice to help relieve constipation.


gives approximately 22% of daily recommended fiber intake

This seasonal fruit is rich in fiber with a medium sized pear giving approximately 22% of daily recommended fiber intake which bulks up the stool and helps it move better. Pear also contain a type of sugar that is poorly absorbed in some people which helps draw water from the body in the stool as transits through the colon making it softer and easier to pass through.

Green leafy vegetables

softens and bulks the stool

Green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, lettuce and amaranth are not only rich in fiber but are also an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. Green vegetables are also low in calories meaning you can eat them in large quantities without worrying about etra inches of your waist. Apart from softening and adding bulk to your stool, green vegetables are good sources of potassium which acts as a natural laxative.

Chia and flax seeds

Rich in fiber which  bulks up the stool and makes it pass better in the colon.
Rich in fiber which bulks up the stool and makes it pass better in the colon.

Like most seeds, chia and flax seeds are a good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and good oils. One table spoon of these seeds can give up to 15% of recommended daily intake of fiber. This fiber bulks up the stool and makes it pass better in the colon. Flax seeds have been used for centuries as a natural laxative. When chia seeds come into contact with water, it forms a gel that helps that helps lubricate the stool. Chia seeds can absorb twelve times its own weight in water which help bulk up stool.

Constipation most often lasts for a short period and is not dangerous. However, persistent constipation can be a symptom of a serious underlying condition and needs medical attention.