Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when skin spores are blocked by oil, dead skin or bacteria. Even though acne usually affects adolescents, it can persist into adulthood. A few of those who escape acne during teen years may develop adult onset acne which can persist for years.

Acne can cause many changes on the skin including pimples, black heads, white heads and cyst like lumps beneath the skin. Acne symptoms may differ from person to person and can range from mild to severe.

There is no one known cure for acne because it is not a condition that has one single cause. However, acne can be treated effectively and its effects on the skin reduced significantly.

Good nutrition is important for general well being and maintains a healthy body including a healthy skin. Even though food alone can’t cause acne or prevent its occurrence, a person’s diet can play a major role in the condition. A person’s diet can worsen the symptoms of acne while others keep the skin healthy reducing acne symptoms.

Glycemic index is a value assigned to foods based on how slowly or how quickly those foods cause a rise in blood glucose levels. Foods with high glycemic index like refined carbohydrates raise blood glucose rapidly. Such foods lead to increased production of sebum, natural oil, which makes acne severe. High glycemic index foods cause an increase in insulin production which can exacerbates acne. It can also cause inflammatory responses on the skin cells which can make the condition worse.

Inadequate water intake leads to dehydration. Maintaining a well hydrated skin naturally moisturizes the skin and is helpful for any skin condition. Dehydration adversely affects the skin by making it dry which increases dead skin cells on the top layer of the skin. These cells can accumulate and clog the pores which contribute to development and aggravation of acne pimples.

Probiotics are good or helpful bacteria with many health benefits including maintaining a healthy gut. Poor gut health can interfere with metabolism which can affect absorption of nutrients and antioxidants needed to keep the skin healthy and can potentially worsen existing skin conditions like acne. A healthy gut supports the body in reducing inflammation and decreased sebum production preventing clogged pores.

Omega 3 fatty acid mainly found in fatty fish, walnuts, chia seeds and flaxseed form part of the building block of healthy cells including skin cells. They help the skin build new healthy cells and contain anti inflammatory properties that protect the skin from many skin conditions and also helps reduce symptoms of already existing conditions.

Vitamin A plays an essential role in skin health. Most treatments for acne are vitamin A based hence consuming foods rich in vitamin A like cod liver oil, oranges and yellow fruits and vegetables can help reduce symptoms of already existing acne.